
“And that’s how we stopped the missile Marm.”  Suzie finished her report…again.

The team had arrived back at base, tired, stinky and annoyed. Of course, they couldn’t rest and shower, oh no, as the MOMENT they got off the plane they were forwarded into the debriefing hall and made to go over every single little detail of the mission.

Multiple times. Thankfully M42 had been sent directly to the infirmary, as he would have had a lot to say about the behaviour of his team during the debrief!

“Excellent.  Are there any concerns from the Experiments about how the mission went?” C42 asked as the Experiments looked ready to riot (or drop from exhaustion) after having been over the mission six times.

All five hands shot up at once. Suzie groaned.

“We weren’t told anything about mission procedure before being sent on a mission, leading to all of us being woefully underprepared!”

“We weren’t even told how to dismantle a missile when it’s on the ground, let alone while it’s in the sky!”

“The facilities we had were manifestly inadequate!”

“We’re VOLUNTEERS, we should be treated a little bit better than that!”

“We didn’t even know we were ready to go on missions!”

“Okay, okay, I see our training has lacked structure and purpose.”  C42 raised her hands to try and quell the protesting Experiments.  

“More like it’s just lacked.” Tytus murmured to Henna, who giggled.

“We’ll see about setting aside our mornings for more theoretical work that will help with planning in the future.” C42 frowned at Tytus.

“Swell.” Tytus muttered.

“How much of an input do we get on what we get trained in?” Alexis asked.

“We’ll have a meeting tomorrow morning to discuss the training.  You’re all free for the rest of the day.”  C42 got up from her desk and left the room.  “Hopefully the Major will be healed up by then.”

C42 quickly vacated the room with Suzie on her heels while the others looked at each other.

“More work.  I can’t believe this.”  Tytus groaned, resting his feet up on the desk.

“What did you think this was, a paid holiday?” Alexis shoved his feet off the desk.  He scowled at her.

“It’ll shake things up, theory in the morning, physical training in the afternoons.” 24-42 said, getting up and stretching.  “Anyway, I’ll see you guys later, I have some baking to do, and I’ve missed my cats.”

“Going to go and check on your Major on the way home?” Daniel snickered.

“Yes.  Yes I am.” 24-42 poked her tongue out at him.  He gave her a friendly punch on the arm as she walked out.

“Do you reckon they’ve…?” Henna asked after 24-42 had left.

“I dunno.  They can’t have recently as we were all in “Country 65” (wherever THAT is) sleeping in the same truck.”  Alexis pointed out.

“I really don’t want to think of them getting it on in the same truck as us.”  Daniel pinched the bridge of his nose.  “I’m outta here before you guys gross me out any more.” 

Henna and Alexis were giggling furiously, while Tytus looked disgusted.

“You girls are horrible.”  He walked out as well.

“C’mon Tytus, you’re curious as well!”  Henna followed him out, Alexis close behind.

Tytus sighed.

“Told you so.  Blokes are as bad as women for gossip.” Alexis grinned.

“Not like there’s much to do around here anyway.” Tytus pointed out.

“You just whinged when they gave us more training to do!” Henna cried as they approached the lunch room.

24-42 stood at the entrance to the Majors lodgings, her finger inches away from the doorbell.  In her hands was a loaf of banana bread she’d baked.  

A cold sweat overcame her.  She hadn’t done anything like this in years, and the last time she’d tried to get close to a man had ended in disaster.

Just push the stupid button. She told herself. Nothing.

Push it. She tried again.  Still couldn’t bring herself to do it.

Gosh darn it!  You stopped a missile with your bare hands, you can push the darned doorbell and give the Major the bread!  NOW DO IT!

Finally, the finger reached out and pushed in the button.

There.  Now was that really that hard?

24-42 stood there for what seemed like an eternity before M42 answered the door.

“I was just wondering how you were doing…I baked you some banana bread!” 24-42 greeted him, holding out the bread.

“I’m fine, thank you.” He took the bread and closed the door.


“These things take time hun.” Alexis brought 24-42 another chocolate from the vending machine in the lunchroom, where 24-42 had retreated after her seemingly vain attempt.

“He took the bread though, right?” Suzie pressed.

“Yes, I said that already!” 24-42 let her head fall into her arms.

“Then that’s good!  I’ve known him for years, and he NEVER accepts gifts!  You’re in, girl!” Suzie gave 24-42 a friendly shove.

“I can’t believe you’re into that jerk!”  Tytus sipped his cola.  “There are plenty of good blokes on this base!”

“Name one that would be compatible with 24-42.” Henna narrowed her eyes at him.

“L256AP-42 in the labs is pretty neat.” Tytus shrugged.  “Or even XCZ124585-42. He’s a guard, very professional.” He nodded knowingly.

“You have no idea.  You gotta have a CONNECTION for these things to work, and that hasn’t happened between 24-42 and those guys.  There IS a connection between 24-42 and M42.  We’ve seen it already.” Alexis nodded with authority.

“Geez, you chicks get so riled up with your “connections” and emotions and rubbish like that.  Just find a guy who’s hot and bonk him!  How hard is it?!” Tytus complained.  “None of the guys here are going to say no!  RVB4587-42 and HZF3615-42 have been going at it for weeks and she looks like-,”

“Do you mind not running down our colleagues?!” Suzie scowled.  “Besides, how do YOU know what they’re doing?”

“Walked into Lab 3 one day and they were at it.” Tytus shrugged.

“Ew.”  The girls cringed.

“Yeah, it was, like I said, HZF-,”

“Trust me sweetie, you’re in with the Major.  You just got to keep at it, break down his defences.” Suzie said over the top of Tytus, who pouted.

“Really?”  24-42 looked up at the Captain, eyes sparkling with hope.

“Really.” Suzie patted her back.  “Now, are you going to stop worrying?”

“I guess so.”  24-42 sighed.

“Good.  Now let’s go outside and do some exercise huh?” Alexis walked out of the lunch room.  “You guys coming?”

“I’m going to go and see what Daniel is doing.  Has to be better than listening to you lot whinge about men.” Tytus got up and left the lunchroom, shoving his way past Alexis, who scowled at him.

“He’s such a tool.” Alexis shook her head.

“I think you like him.” 24-42 teased, more than ready to deflect some of the attention she was getting.

“I think she does too.” Henna winked at 24-42.

“I do not!” Alexis turned bright red.

They teased her all the way to Training Ground 4.
